All In-Stock products are processed and shipped within 1-3 business days (in most cases the next business day). All Pre-Order products are shipped when the product becomes available. An email, including a tracking number, will be sent once any order is shipped.
Once package is marked "delivered" by UPS/USPS, to the address on the order form, Life Enhancement Angels is no longer responsible for receipt of package.
Shipping prices are based on UPS/USPS calculated rates. Shipping times are based on UPS/USPS estimated times.
All sales are final unless product is defected upon arrival. Defected products qualify for an exchange only. Defected products must be reported within 24 hours of delivery to qualify for exchange. Picture of defected product must be submitted with report. Email all reports to If approved, return instructions will be emailed, and replacement product will be mailed after receipt of defected product.
However, Life Enhancement Angels thoroughly inspects each product before shipment and packages products with caution to ensure delivery of quality satisfactory products.
Life Enhancement Angels' products, services, and statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or heal any condition or disease. Nothing contained on this site is intended as medical advice. Always seek the advice of your personal healthcare professional. Information from this site is opinion and experience based and should be used at your own risk.